Pengelly's Story

DK Snugglebugs Pengelly

Snugglebug's Pengelly

Pengelly is a Black Spotted Tabby German Rex. He was born here on the 6th September 2006 in our guest room together with a brother and two sisters from our second German Rex girl, Evelyna, and our first German Rex boy, Gerd. Myrtle likes his looks so much that she decided that "we" must keep him, so now the little terror rules the roost! From the first he was admired by Marianne, so also has another nickname that she gave him - "Tony The Tiger".

Now in March 2007 the other kittens all have their own homes and Penny is a happy healthy little cat who has been to one cat show, where we showed the whole litter, and there got a good report on his rexing although not so good on his general body structure.

So far he has not had any health problems except for when he gave us a fright one day. A cut on his stomach opened up and we rushed him to the vets where a quick repair was made. That healed without any further problem, but the stitches have left a small scar that can just be felt.

Now his fur is developing very nicely so maybe later this year we will try him again at a show. He is comfortable with all the other cats and can be found cuddled up to anyone who will have him!

I wrote that after we had all moved to Vormark in the same year and Pen was very happy with the new house and the new kittens we got there from Jerry with his father Gerd. But some years later, in 2017, he seemed to be having trouble eating so our vet checked his mouth and cleaned up his teeth and gums. That improved things for a while but not completely so I took him back for possible tooth extraction. Michael found an abscess in his upper gum and suggested that it might be worthwhile removing the tooth to see what else might be a problem. While preparing to do that he found that the underlying problem was an abscess affecting his left eye which could possibly be treated. That was done and he came back home to convalesce.

His appetite improved and he coped well with the treatment. But after only a short time it was evident that he had lost the sight in that eye. Soon I noticed that he also did not react to light in the other eye. It was hardly noticeable even when he wanted to jump up onto a chair for cuddles, or a worktop for food. It was remarkable to watch how he managed to find his way around and know how far down he had to junp to land safely back on the floor. There are a couple of pictures here where he hardly looks any different.

Michael had him back as the left eye had developed necrotic tissue that would create more problems if the eye was not removed. We arranged a time for that to be done but in the surgical preparation Michael found that a malignant tumour was affecting both optic nerves and even if the eye was removed, there would be no cure. While still anaesthetised Michael called me to come back as he wanted to suggest that Pen should be euthanised without being woken.

He was 11 when he died on 14th September 2017.
before he got sick just before his eye was to be removed

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