News from 2015

Myrtle and Tony's year 2015

Dear All, 12 more months have passed since last we wrote.

This year began with snow which wasn't heavy and did not last for long.

A happy year with many good things happening.

The most importantfor us was Eric and Noa´s visit in September after 18 years. Noa had a Danish birthday party with songs and presents at Kathrine's.

Noa Birthday

I had cataracts removed from my eyes now I can see all the dirt on the floor!!

In the spring sunshine there were14 baby ducks on the village pond and we bought sun blinds for the front windows red/white of course.

In June there was a general election with a new prime minister.

Tony sold his electric car. But he bought a twin seat el-scooter he can use and if he can no longer get a driving license, then we will still be able to drive together. We bought a new printer and needed to replace the gas boiler-- end of spending spree.

Lots of birthdays in February and October to celebrate.

Family bake day in November ready for Christmas, then its dance round the tree and wait for New Year.

The only sad thing was Shirley a very good friend died we will miss her cheerful letters and cards.

During the year Tony was still working for the local archives copying old tapes onto CD`s. But now after over 60 CDs the job is done. Shame, as it was fun listening to the old reminiscences told in the old dialect. Maybe some more will turn up in 2016.

At the end of November we welcomed a couple from Hong Kong who have decided to move to Denmark and asked us for advice. They are the same age that we were when we moved!

Love Myrtle,Tony and our cat family.

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