News from 2012

Myrtle and Tony's year 2012

Dear friends,

Another year has almost passed and we are all a year older! The very first snow of winter came on January 27th This was after Tony had fortified the car port against the sort of snow we had in 2010 (better safe than sorry!).

At he beginning of February Kathrine and Christian had a combined birthday party as they would be going at the end of the month to the Swedish Ice hotel to celebrate Christian´s 30th birthday. Thor had his own second birthday party on February 18th which was fun for all of us.

We had some sad times as well with the death of Christian´s mother Birgit in April only 59 years old, then Finn´s mother Karla in August 83 years old. We also lost Zozie, Tony´s Sphynx cat 9 years old.

March passed into April when Christian and Kathrine helped us by trimming our silver birches which had become much too tall. Peter our lovely large white odd eyed housecat died on April 4th and is still missed by us all. The butterfly bush featured inside our card was purchased in April and was enjoyed throughout the summer and autumn by many butterflies, most of them being the pretty Peacock and Monarch varieties.


We also looked after two house cats for 14 days for Sabine, our neighbours daughter, whilst they went on a family reunion to England and Scotland. The cats were called Duchesse and Chilli they behaved well in my workroom and enjoyed our small cat run.

Kaja and Kathrine with Arne and Thor went on a mini cruise to England - good weather out but not so good on the way home!!

Some sad news from our English family - Eddy (Linda´s brother) - died on June 10th.

July saw the the purchase of an online radio for Tony and a Samsung Tablet portable computer for me. Kaja had an outdoor birthday party and BBQ with games on her village green. Christian´s grandmother Ellen was 90 years old on July 18th; a lovely lady.

After consulting our house plans Tony saw why our rain gutters sometimes overflowed - we were short of a rainwater down pipe. Somehow the builder only put in three instead of the four needed. Christian came to the rescue and the missing one was fitted in time for our rainy 59th wedding anniversary on August 8th.

In September Vormark created a club called Vormark Bylaug to help improve the area and enjoy each others company. Vormark has 70 houses and 210 inhabitants. The first event will be the lighting of a christmas tree on our green by the village pond on 2nd December:

I became 80 years old on October 2nd and Arne celebrated his fifth birhday with a party on the 24th.

November saw the purchase of a second hand sofa for Tony - a genuine Chesterfield in real leather - and a new reclining chair for me.

We look forward to a good Danish Christmas with our cats and friends. We have just had the baking day and will be going to a traditional Christmas Eve party with the family.

Lots of Love
Myrtle and Tony.
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