News from 2007

Myrtle and Tony's year 2007
as it happened

On January 1st Finn's mother Karla moved into sheltered accomodation in Ørbæk so now we can all keep an eye on her welfare.

Two of our cat friends died. Omar (Tony's black Siamese, that is, an Oriental) & Cobweb (one of my Devon Rexes) Twinkle (large black/white housecat) went to live in luxury with Finn & his parrot Mille. Jerry & Gerd produced 3 German Rex kittens in the spring. A boy Tag (now living in Finland) two girls, Perletot who will make our next generation of Germans & Cy who will be Kathrine's breeding queen with Memory (from Evelyna's first litter)

Kaja had a 50th birthday party on July 6th and then the twins celebrated their 1st year with a BBQ in the garden of the Danish farm house where Tine & Frederik and their family live. I had a 75th celebration at the local Kro arranged by Kaja & Finn. A VERY pregnant Kathrine was also there. Kathrine gave birth to Arne on October 24th.

We found the house & garden in Odense was too big and therefore too much hard work for us so we we put it up for sale in July. In the meantime we found a new house in Vormark which had just been built. We were able to arrange a bridgeing loan from the bank and started to move in on 1st November. First the enclosed cat run had to be built before the cats could be moved. Tony & Christian worked for several days to finish it & two cat doors had to be set in the walls. All 17 cats, in cat baskets, were loaded into Christian´s new car & we followed with catbeds, litter trays, food etc on November 24th. We seem to have been packing boxes forever & it may take sometime before we remember where everything is!!! In the New Year we must make a final visit to the Odense house to clean up and check electric, heating & water meters ready for the take over on February 1st. Tony has sold a lot of equipment to a guy in Paris & we have sent many unwanted things to local 'jumble sales'.

A lovely Danish tradition of a 'family cook-in' happened on November 28th at Kathrine's house where Christmas cookies were made with help from 5 year old Patrik, and the one year old twins Cenea & Marius. This year we will have a grown up Christmas Eve dinner at Kaja's with Finn, his mother & perhaps Kaja's friend Dorte.

Our new address is:
Vormark Bygade 46
Vormark DK-5874 Hesselager
Telephone & email addresses are not changed.

Vormark is a small village in the country; we have a Super Spar shop & post office in the next village Hesselager. There is a duck pond just down the road from us, horses and goats next door & the sea one kilometer away. What more could you want?

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
Love from Myrtle & Tony
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