News from 2004

Myrtle and Tony's year 2004

This has been a year of happiness but also sadness.

January was spent getting over Christmas and New Year.

The January cat show in Kolding was very cold and snowy.

Willow became a Champion cat and plans were afoot to find her a boy friend.

Later in February Kathrine celebrated her 20th birthday; we all went to her parent's house in Tårup, as Kathrine and Christian's flat was too small!!

In March we went to Malmö in Sweden to get foreign certificates towards the next competition levels. Omar and Zozie both won cups - Omar for Best in Show veteran and Zozie a nomination to go up on stage for the Best in Show competition.

April was Rex & Sphynx Club's AGM at a show in Hedensted; unfortunately not well attended. We also went to Kiel in Germany that month with Omar, Athos and Zozie for more foreign certificates, after which Athos needed only one more Danish certificate to Become a European Premier cat; he can stay at home after this, as he is very shy at shows. Omar again got a cup; this time for Best in Show Siamese, his breeders were very proud, as he is not a young cat any more.

Spring came and Willow's thoughts turned to love Noisy! We took her to meet Pinoccio, a Black and White Devon Rex; after the Honeymoon in May the pregnancy proceeded Quiet again

With Willow safely pregnant we went to Ribe, a city on the west coast of Denmark. Athos got his final certificate and a big rosette that now hangs in the living room.

Please don't think we only go to cat shows; we visit the old village museum quite often to see our friends and the farm animals with the young they always have in the spring.

July was Kitten Month; on the 15th Willow gave birth to 5 boys. All were given tree names - Clementine, Laurel, Rowan, Holly and Judas. Judas lived for only 24 hours.
When they were 3 weeks old we went to Wismar in Germany to collect Curly-Sue, a German Rex kitten Tony had bought. It was the hottest day of the year and the journey there was a nightmare, as the road we needed had not been finished! A kind man helped us out and led us on the way towards Wismar. Gerd & Wasse kitten sat for us.

On August 8th; our 51st wedding anniversary; we went for a meal in the restaurant beside the old village. We used the gift token Gerd & Wasse had given us last year and the kind restaurant owner let us extend it a couple of days.

In September our main cat club had a special show in Brørup that we felt we must support. We couldn't take the babies but we did take Sue to her first Danish show and she got a nomination cup. Zozie was also nominated and got a rosette.

When the kits were nearly 12 weeks old they were vaccinated and health checked ready to go to new homes. Holly was already booked and Rowan I was keeping. Unfortunately things did not go as planned. Holly got sick 4 days before their debut show, so we could then only take 3. Two days later Laurel was also unwell so no show for us.

Holly and Laurel died later of FIP at only 14 weeks old - a fatal viral illness that is an mutation individual to each cat. Rowan and Clem are still with us and are little rascals!!
No more cat news I promise:

In the spring and Summer Kaja's children both bought houses with their partners. We have visited both Kathrine's, a street house in Gudme, and Frederik's, an old farm with lots of barns near Nyborg. Both properties need TLC but are now snug for the winter.

We had welcome news from our osteopath Jane that she will have a clinic again on our island of Fyn once a month. We have treated ourselves to a couple of visits so far. Jane is English and was trained by Laurie who we used to see in Finchley. She married a Dane and lives and works on Sjælland.

The two very special events of 2004 were:
The marriage of our friends Dorte and Michael in May, our first experience of a Danish Wedding. It was conducted by the mayor in Dorte's garden with a reception in a marquee in a neighbour's garden. Dorte and Michael were having an extension built on their house ready for the birth of their daughter in August.

The second celebration was Kaja and Finn's Silver Wedding on November 24th. We went to Frederik's farm on the 23rd to make garlands decorated with flowers and a heart painted by me to go over the door in Tårup where Kaja and Finn live. All 'the friends' took the decorations in various cars later that evening and set them up at the house. Kaja had made welcome hot soup for when we had finished. The next day at 6.30am gallant friends gathered outside the house to sing songs and greet the happy couple. We declined as it's a 45 min trip - much too early for us Brits!!The big party itself was in their village hall on Saturday 27th, a real Danish knees up with songs, speeches and silly games. The food was good too, we left them sitting down to more food called 'natmad' (night food). The Danes go on nearly all night and of course just before midnight the happy couple have to dance the Wedding Waltz.

Our Danish family i.e. Kaja and Finn, have invited us for 'Julaften' (Christmas Eve) to enjoy dancing round the tree, eating and the giving of presents. Kaja has adopted us as 'Pap forældre' (adopted parents), her own no longer being alive. The children treat us as if we really are their grandparents : We are very proud of Kaja because at the age of 40+ she went back to college, passed her exams, got her student hat and is now working as a probationary Solicitors secretary; of course we had a party to celebrate!!

Next year 2005 Denmark celebrates Hans Christian Andersen's 200th birthday. Loads of events are planned so if you want to visit us, this is the year to do it.

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