Willow's second litter - Devon Rex

Ladybug Willow, happily mated

Mating Ladybug Willow in 2005

(Click here for the album  ---   "Willow's second litter")

The story has already been told how at the World Show in November 2003 we met Jørgen and Linda who breed Devon Rexes. With them they had a very nice stud (friendly, calm and with a good coat) called Narnia's Pinoccio - he is Black and White, rather like our Athos. Willow's kittens from Pinoccio were fine in quality, but as two had died from FIP, we decided to try a different mating, just as a precaution. But, Pinoccio had a son called Børve, a 'ginger' cat, also with a very good coat, and also of blood type B, so we decided to ask if we could use him.....

This time it was easier for Linda and Jørgen to have their male stay with us. Børve came here soon after the beginning of July and stayed for three weeks. He is a delightful cat, and was happy to join in with the rest of the household after the three day honeymoon! At the end of his three weeks, we took him back home where he was delighted to be back with his own family.

Narnia's Børve
On the 14th September 2005 Willow gave birth to five kittens; all very nicely furred.

This time we decided to TELL her where she was going to have the kittens! After some argument, she eventually settled down in the guest room, but paid us back by not having the first one until gone midnight. By the time that the fifth was delivered, cleaned and pronounced OK, it was 4 am before we could all retire for the night. Two girls (Cobweb and Moonshine) and three boys (Flute, Pyramus and Quince) with birth weights from 72g to 96g.

Again we are six
Wednesday morning I had a lie-in for an extra 30 minutes, and then it was a quick check on the new family before the usual feeding routine. All was well. Over the next few days we started a new Album for this second litter.

    Click here for the album  ---   "Willow's second litter"

After the usual joy of seeing the new lives develop - it happens so fast! - we all settled into the routine of seeing that Willow and her new babies could eat and sleep in peace. The other cats of course were fascinated and wanted to visit. Within a few days we had provided a secure place for them in the living room during the daytime where "kitten TV" once again became the order of the day. I haven't done it yet, but we have many more photos, so some will extend the Album to the three months of their growing up to be big enough to start looking for the kittens to find new homes.

Unfortunately, before that we had an unexpected problem with their health. Unexpected because they all got chlamydia against which all our cats have been routinely vaccinated. It was some days before we realised that in Germany cats are not routinely vaccinated against that, so it appeared that either Evvy or Gerd must have transmitted the infection to the kittens.

It took about three weeks of very intensive care and treatment to get them over it . Evvy also developed mild symptoms, but simple treatment was all that she needed.

In January 2006 Moonshine and Pyramus went to their new home in Nyborg with Kaja, and early in February Flute to his home with Birthe in Hasmark Strand. We decided to keep Cobweb as her tear ducts were damaged by the infection. We had to work hard to find someone who would love Quince, but decided to love him ourselves! Their stories follow this one with a short story about Moonshine.

PS - In 2007 Flute developed FIP as we had warned his new owners he might. He died before he was 2.

PPS - Later, Pyramus died of leukemia and Moonshine went to live with Kathrine to avoid her having similar problems. She had digestion problems so was later brought back to us (in Vormark) where we were better able to care for her until she died in 2014.

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